Oh yeah…back for part 2
Oh Yeah! Back for part 2
If you haven’t read part 1 don’t worry it’s a click away
When we left off, I was beginning to tell you a little bit about my experience with I.U.G.R. So, as I mentioned the size difference was mentioned initially at the 24-week anatomy scan repeat. I think I left you on a little cliff hanger regarding Kali hiding her heart. Well, the perinatal cardiology echocardiogram was normal and Kali’s heart was perfect.
***Sigh of relief***
After being told that Kali was growing at a slower rate than her sister Kori the frequent monitoring began. I was already having fetal growth ultrasounds every 2 weeks. At around 30 weeks I began having weekly growth scans and NST, nonstress test, until about 34 weeks. Then twice weekly growth scan and BPP (biophysical profile) until 37 weeks. I was induced at 37 weeks which is considered full term for twins.
Two types of I.U.G.R.
Symmetrical - Head and body are small but proportional. Increased incidences of chromosomal defects.
Asymmetrical- Head and brain is large, typically normal in size, and body is small. The body is diverting all nutrients to the brain and heart. Thus, the baby can look malnourished with low muscle tone and small abdomen.
Kali was asymmetrical.
What causes I.U.G.R.
Multiple Gestations- OH LOOK WE ARE HAVING TWINS
Birth Defects/Chromosomal Abnormalities-Initially when I wrote this post we were pending multiple genetic testing. YEAH!!! ALL NORMAL
Pregnancy related health problems- Hypertension or Gestational Diabetes can cause multiple complications to include I.U.G.R.
Umbilical Cord Abnormalities- Wait! What is that? Oh, it’s just Kali’s umbilical cord. It was the shortest I had ever seen.
Low amniotic fluid- I was not diagnosed with this on US but when my bag was broken the doctor mentioned that it wasn’t a lot of fluid.
A few other causes of I.U.G.R. could be related to drug, alcohol or tobacco use. Low maternal weight gain could also affect the growth of the baby or babies. This could be a result of poor nutrition or severe nausea and vomiting.
Now why is I.U.G.R so important to me?
This is how it all started. My twin pregnancy, I.U.G.R., feeding difficulties, and all of my experiences since becoming a mom is how Bottles, Boobs, and Feeding Tubes was born. I delivered 5 babies. Kali, Kori, and Kaiden are the motivation behind this all. Aurora Lily inspired my business. Bottles, Boobs and Feeding Tubes is my purpose.
Stay tuned more to come
Guiding you through the 3 Ps
"Parenting through the unexpected"