Our bodies are amazingly designed to give and receive messages. We receive messages constantly throughout the day. "Ooo what is that smell? It smells like warm baked bread." Did your mind immediately go to a time you recall smelling warm baked bread? Can you smell it? Do you remember the feeling you had when you tasted it? Some messages we hear loud and clear. "Oh no, my alarm clock is going off. I am going to be so late." Did you drift back to a moment when you woke up late. You know the time when you hit the snooze for the 5th time. Thinking it is going to be a rough day for sure. Did you feel the panic and your hear racing from the thought?
Again we receive messages constantly. Some messages are more important than others based on how we prioritize them. Some people prioritize waking up early, working out, and feeling like their day is off to a good start. Some people prioritize 7am as bedtime since they work the night shift. Sometimes our body sends subtle messages. Other times the messages are so loud you can't even hear yourself thinking. It depends on how bad your body or mind wants to be heard.
How do you know when to listen? For me my body started sending me messages daily in the form of joint and abdominal pain. However the message that I received recently were overwhelming clear. I had no choice but to listen and act immediately.
My body and mind: You need to take a break.
Me: What? No! I have so much that I need to do? I can't take a break right now.
My body and mind: Take a break or we will make you.
Me: How?
My body and mind: We just wont work together to help you accomplish your tasks.
Me: Yeah right!
My body and mind: We can show you better than we can tell you.
Me: Ok so if I take this break, when can I work again.
My body and mind: You will know.
I didn't really have this conversation but that is kind of how it felt. I kept working on everything and getting nothing done. I couldn't focus my mind to complete one task because I kept working on all of the tasks simultaneously. I also was on full time stay at home mommy mode. Shocker, kids don't always get the memo that you have work to do. I listened and took the summer off. I stopped doing everything. I stopped thinking and trying to do the tasks. I became present and spent summer break focusing on myself and family. Not that I hadn't been focusing on myself and family before, but this time it was the only thing I focused on. I gave myself permission to just be.
When you allow yourself the time to be. The time to be present. The time to be happy. The time to be still. So much can start to move around you that will make it easier for you to move around. I took the time my mind and body needed. The time to think. The time to grow. The time to enjoy. The time to love. The time to plan. The time to focus. I had to stop in order to start again. Sometimes stopping doesn't mean quitting. Sometimes stopping is just that. A moment to pause and regroup. A moment to check in before you check out. A moment to disconnect in order to reconnect. Allow yourself the time. Listen to your body and mind. When you are ready, you will know. It's go time!